Student Selection

School and district personnel will determine the number of spaces that will be available for students enrolled at each school, as well as spaces for students not currently enrolled and applying for special permit. The number of spaces available in each category is based on enrollment and may be different at each school, depending on the needs of the school to maintain the traditional and dual immersion programs.

Once the application process closes, a lottery will be used to determine placement in each program. Students with siblings already enrolled in a dual immersion program and students who speak the target language will receive priority consideration. Notification of selection or placement on the waiting list will be sent out via email to student parents or guardians. Those who are selected must return the Parent Commitment Form by the designated date.

If you have any questions, please call the administrator at Lake View Elementary at (435) 734-4922; Foothill Elementary at (435) 734-4916; or Garland Elementary at (435) 257-2600. Or, call the Curriculum Department (District Office) at (435) 734-4800.

Important Documentation